Rock Out with Your Ancestors

Which animation will you choose from the menu?

Megan Smolenyak
2 min readApr 6, 2021


I don’t know if my great-grandfather, Peter Smolenyak, will ever forgive me. Several weeks ago, I wrote about using MyHeritage’s Deep Nostalgia tool to animate him, but now they’ve introduced fresh functionality to customize your animations, and I couldn’t resist playing with it.

MyHeritage’s special animation menu

Immediately drawn to the “special animations” menu, I tried experimenting with my great-grandfather. To give a sense of the kind of results you can expect, this trio of photos shows the original image I uploaded followed by a restored version, and then one that’s been both restored and colorized — all using MyHeritage.

Original, restored, restored and colorized

Using the last of these as my starting point, I jumped into the animation menu. As might be expected, some work better than others depending on the specifics of the original image you start with. For…



Megan Smolenyak

Genealogical adventurer & storyteller who loves solving mysteries! You may not know me, but chances are you’ve seen my work. (